Monthly Subscription for Action Accountability Group

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Meeting 180523. advice-advise-advisor-7096 small.jpg

Monthly Subscription for Action Accountability Group

$52.00 every month

When we want to accelerate our searches, Accountability Groups are the answer. The momentum of a group pulls us along, leads to actions we wouldn’t think of on our own, and generates leads and connections we can’t find elsewhere. The group brainstorms ways to overcome obstacles, roots for us, and celebrates successes.

If you miss feeling a sense of value and belonging, participating in a consistent support group will have you feeling like your old self in no time.

Even if I could do all this by myself, why would I want to?! - Marcia B.

Groups are limited to 5 people and meet weekly for 1 hour. The agenda for each person is this:

  • What were your commitments for last week?

  • What successes did you have? Yeah!

  • What obstacles are you facing?

  • How can we help? We’ll give you feedback, referrals, and offers to help. You’ll feel encouraged!

It’s amazing how much you can get done with focus and some coaching along the way. We also keep in touch throughout the week so you can celebrate your progress when it happens or ask for help with any problem you run into.

Now that you know you want to belong to a group, you can subscribe to make your on time payments easier.

Of course you can stop anytime.

So glad you’re diving in to your transition!

UPDATE: Beginning May 15, 2023, the monthly charge will be $12/week in increments of $52 per month.
