1. Employees who are waiting for their year end bonuses before giving notice in Mid-December are creating openings.
2. Some departments have to have someone on their payroll by year end or lose their allocated budget.
3. Departments which get new budget on Jan 1 want to have someone selected to start ASAP.
4. When an organization hires someone from another company, managers scramble to fill the unexpected opening.
5. While harder to get an appointment at this time of year, when you meet with people they are “chattier, “ (more social, more conversational, more relaxed) perfect for relationship building (and remember that ALL JOB OFFERS ARE REQUESTS TO EXTEND AND EXPAND A RELATIONSHIP)
6. The whole holiday season emphasizes giving, receiving, and sharing. While in that mood, people tend to do that with referrals, offers, bonuses, tips, gifts, and smiles. So this is a good time to create or nurture new connections.
7. This is the time of year when we visit with our most familiar people (family, for example) and hear from them about unexpected connections.
More reasons:
8. The last 2-3 weeks of the year, people’s work often slows, so they have time to think about strategy, to focus on new ideas, and to meet new people.
9. Managers and executives are aware of their yearly financial performance and may be ready to explore options to improve. This circumstance is particularly beneficial to consultants, coaches, and business services.
10. You may have a chance to be invited to their holiday party, or to extend a personal invitation to yours, or even team up to attend an event together.
11. Other job seekers and salespeople are taking off for the season so you have less competition.
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12:00 noon till 12:30 EST