Meditation on a Pear in Job Search Space

What’s it like to be pear, job searching, in complete need of repair? 

What’s it like to be seeing others get jobs and you aren’t?

What’s paring down have to do with it? What paring down do you need to see who you are and what you need?

What analogy do you need to see who you are is needed by pear, just as much as you need pear to need you? This is the deep need of pairing with employers. We see you are needing to feel accomplished. We see you need to know you contribute. We see you need us, a pair, to invite you into our organization – that we’re your choice.

Healing is needing pear values to match with your values and not vice versa, meaning pear does not have to shape up to your values. Find where pear needs you. Values is mandatory as it fixes the pear in your mind.  Find values in pear that attests to your values and don’t let pear-brained fellas take your values away. Pear needs you to be flexible, yet firm, like pear flesh.

Finally, this is a second pair of talents: to be the pear you need to be when you find the pear who needs you. This is the substance of the workshop, not needing pear to change, but you to find/be available for the pear that needs you.  A pair of happy nations!*  The end


*I think this means complete, integrated in the whole, in the context of the global atmosphere.

 What do you think about pear, about being in a job search, trying to be found?  Please share your experience or thoughts in the comments or a private message.