Coaching has been my life's work for over 20 years. I wish I could tell you a success rate, an acceleration rate or something measurable like that. But, like other coaches, I can't compare you to what would have been.
I can show you the value you will receive and give you a couple of things to compare it to.
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please indulge me as this gets a bit deeper into networking than I (or anyone else I've studied yet, for that matter) typically goes. Almost everyone is familiar with some phrasing of The Golden Rule. It is most commonly written as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", and the idea is ancient.
However, unless you have studied religion or philosophy, you may not know about the various formulations (alternative phrasings) of this rule, and it occurs to me they can help us better understand how to relate to others in our networking activities.
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Lately, I've encountered some situations where I noticed some "disconnects from reality" regarding networking. I have sorted them into three broad categories, and I want to discuss each one. Those categories are:
1. "I hate networking..." or "I hate networking, but I like building relationships..."
2. I'm here to sell (or get a job, or meet an investor...) but no one here is buying (or hiring, or investing...)
3. Who am I to do a 1-2-1 meeting with?
What to do?
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The last posts were about the why, who, when, and what of networking. This one is more about the how.
How do you turn a connection into a relationship?
How do you build and maintain a relationship?
How does a relationship help you become more valuable to those you serve?
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I write these posts in part because I want to clarify my own thinking about networking as a way to grow my business, and in part because I know many people are struggling with exactly how to make this whole "networking thing" work. Since it's the new year, I'm going to start over with some basics.
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Examples of one person's notes to give you some ideas about how you might collect and organize your own.
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1-2-1's come in many forms, so the information you collect from them will vary from a general sense of a person , to specific examples of things to do or say on your networking partner’s behalf, and even beyond to lists of commitments you might make to each other about future events or ways to partner and aid each other..
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After everyone at a networking event is done giving their message, you may have heard 20+ commercials, and it would challenging to recall who does what or would benefit from an introduction to whomever. So, collecting some basic information and thoughts about each person you encounter will help you become a better networker.
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There is so much overlap between people looking for work (full time or projects) and people looking for customers or contacts to enlarge their field. In case you, dear seeker, are thinking about potentially opening a new business or looking for ways to expand your ideas, here is my list of ideas for finding resources, time, places or things you need to get started.
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To get a good job, you do not have to sell yourself. Needs-meeting is what you are after – yours and others.’ You are offering to help those you meet support their own and others’ needs getting met. A Profile is a tool to a) help you think through what you want to do, what you’re best at, b) see the value of it, c) work out how to communicate it and d) help others see the value and help you communicate it to others beyond the conversation you are in. When you are available to be found to fill certain needs, you can be offered the job of your dreams.
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Starting my business has required the talents of many people beyond my own. Here are the talents I received in abundance from my colleagues, friends, acquaintances and people I’ve never even met, yet they’ve had important influence on me developing my business:
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